Friday, April 30, 2010

Lets go Lakers, lets go!

In honor of the Laker game today, here is a photo of my hometown MBA team. The Lakers are only ahead one game in the series. Hopefully they will finally win a road game and close out the OK City team tonight!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

San Diego Wedding: Kim & Danny

This weekend Mr. G and I went to our friends' wedding in San Diego. It turned out to be a gorgeous sunny Saturday in Balboa Park at the Prado. The beautiful bride, Kim, was dressed in a knockout white, satin strapless gown. I loved all the details from the rich red, black and silver color scheme to the festive polka dot mini-Mexican cookies. 

Mr. G and his bud.

The Prado.

Seriously, I probably ate 7 of these little snack attacks.
The yummy Mexican cookies were hiding inside this dual purposed container. It served as a favor and the guest's seating arrangements.

The decor.

The cake.

The lovely newlyweds and Mr. & Mrs. G

After the wedding photo fun...

San Diego

The Westgate. Doesn't it look haunted? :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Very Merry Unbirthday to ME!

For my birthday I decided to have an Alice in Wonderland theme birthday party. I made everything from the pillows to the cake balls. Though, I can't take all the credit; the cute cake was made by my mom and one of my friends made the colorful cupcakes.

These framed our "mad" hats

We drank Tokyo "Tea"

Monday, April 5, 2010

A Green Easter

Right before Easter we planted a new tree in our front yard. I wanted to start a new tradition, of course a picture taking tradition:) So now every Easter we are going to take a picture in front of our tree. As the years grow hopefully, in the pictures, we will see the tree growing as well as our family!

I was using a tripod and timer so too bad it wasn't until I uploaded the pictures that I noticed the pictures were a little blurry:( Oh well it'll have to do until next Easter. This was the first take:)