then have no fear, the camera is here (Lupe Fiasco)
I am currently enrolled in a photography class. Yup, and I am super excited. Not only because I love photography but I hope it will be another creative outlet for me. Can I just say I love this class because I am learning so much. For a novice, like myself, I think I'm learning a heck of a lot. This Tuesday, will only be my third class meeting and I already have completed two projects. Both of them were basically go out there, into the world, and shoot. Shoot anything and everything. Ya, it sounds easy but we had to incorporate design elements, perspective and we couldn't use flash. I mean come on, that is a little challenging especially since the instructor wanted 400 images for both assignments. However, I am proud to say I think (totally crossing my fingers right now) I aced my first assignment. Remember, I said, "I think." Well, the instructor did say, "You've taken a photography class before, right?" I told him no that this was my first time and he smiled and said great job. Again, I heart photography. So here is my photography journey. These are a few straight out of the camera shots that will be making it into my fabulous photo folder. Just kidding, I had to name my folder with my name...blah boring.

I've told Mr. G time and time again to moisturize, apply lip balm and sunscreen daily. Does his listen? Obviously not!