I guess you can say I've been really thinking about taking this photography hobby a bit more seriously. Unfortunately, it takes a lot longer then it seems to create an idea of a brand that represents you, or I should say ME. Mr. G has been going over design logos, webpage templates and etc. for the past couple of weeks. But as I do my research and look around at other photo blogs, craft blogs and just blogs in general I keep changing my mind. I told Mr. G I wanted something cute, that represents my girly side, but then I said scratch that I need something modern and sophisticated. Then again I tell him no I like girly because that fits me and what I want to do with photography...fun with some frills because I'm not trying to make this a career. This will still be my hobby with a more professional look. So, if you see a new homepage template every other week or so its just my way of previewing what looks best. Please be patient:)
Now along with these changes a girl has to get a new wardrobe to match the new look. I've been browsing around on etsy, amazon and the web to find a cute yet sophisticated and durable DSLR camera bag. Here is what I've found!
Janine King Designs has a ton of fabric choices and colors for her $69.99 bags
Jessica Claire offers a similar bag called the "Shootsac" for $179.00 in black
The baroque cover is an extra $49.00
What would your choice be? Hmmm....because it's my HOBBY I'm totally going with the Janine King camera bag.